Please DON’T judge me but is that what they say on the Lil Wayne hook “after 6 foot, 7 seven foot, 8 foot PUNCH”? If it is, thank you kind sir for shedding some light on that for me. I have a habit of not knowing the words to songs and just making up my own. Every now and then I will actively pursue the correct verbage BUT more often than not, I’ll just go with whatever comes out. The only time it stops me is if I know I’m far off base with my version and my cousins are around, boy they will spark me to no end!

*TRUE STORY* My version of the theme song to The Fresh Prince…In west Philiadelphia bowlin’ and range on the playground is where I spent most of my days…

Please don’t ask me what bowlin’ and range is because I do NOT know.


570thepopculturist (aka BKSweetheart) April 28, 2011 at 11:07 am
HAHAHAHA I always do this! Even when I know what the correct words are, I find it funnier to insert my own rendition.. Some examples:

Omarion’s song Icebox: “I got this icebox where my heart used to be..”

My version: I got this x-box where my heart used to be..”

Kayne’s song Power: “Muh-f*cka we rollin, with some light skin girls and some Kelly Rowlands….”

My version: “..with some light skin girls and some jelly rollers..”

Eminem’s song Rock Bottom : “something something something, that’s rock bottom”

My version : “something something something, that’s why I bought em” or sometimes there’s the alternate version “something something something, this blonde bottle”

I’m a weirdo lol…


571Kidsister April 28, 2011 at 11:34 am
LOL!!!! NOOOOOO YOU’RE NOT A WEIRDO!!!! I do the same thing! #highfive


572SpottieOttieDarlin April 28, 2011 at 12:54 pm
haahha.. I love it!!!
